Universal Health Coverage through Digital Health: Principles, Partnerships, and Policy
Oommen John*
DOI: 10.24105/ejbi.2022.18.7.64-68
Are EHR Standards Capable of Handling the Challenges of Smart Healthcare? Data-Level Research
Nandini Mukherjee* and Poly Sil Sen
DOI: 10.24105/ejbi.2022.18.7.69-72
Short communication
Highly Original and Relevant Research fields for Biomedical and Health Informatics
Indra Neil Sarkar*
DOI: 10.24105/ejbi.2022.18.7.73-74
Adapting Healthcare Teaching to Coronavirus (COVID-19): A Perspective from India
Vishwas Sovani*
DOI: 10.24105/ejbi.2022.18.7.77-79