journal of biomedical informatics
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Working with Whole Genome Data

Author(s): Beren Jafar

The ability to create high-quality sequence data in a public health laboratory enables the identification of disease-causing strains, the strong formal decision about something of relatedness among sudden start of something bad like disease strains, and the analysis of genetic information related disease causing agent and antimicrobial-resistance genes. However, the analysis of whole sequence data depends on bioinformatics analysis tools and processes. Many public health laboratories do not have the bioinformatics abilities to carefully study the data created from putting in correct order and therefore are unable to take full advantage of the power of whole sequence data putting in correct order. The goal of this way of seeing sensible view of what is and is not important is to provide a guide for laboratories to understand the bioinformatics analyses that are needed to understand whole sequence data and how these in silico analyses can be put into use in a public health laboratory setting easily, affordably, and, sometimes, without the need for intensive calculating valuable supplies and basic equipment needed for a society to operate.

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