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Interoperability Specifications and Conformance Testing Services Made Available on the Tukan Platform

Author(s): Sebastian Bojanowski*, Roman Radomski, Marcin Grudzień, Daniel Matras, Paweł Masiarz and Maciej Łańko

In 2018 Polish health IT community faces critical challenges related to the national eHealth agenda. The mission of HL7 Poland is to establish a community around interoperability standards and integration profiles with health IT vendors, medical providers and public authorities. One of the activities that would support this goal is providing tooling for specification publication and implementation validation. HL7 Poland has started a project to create a central hub for specifications and tools. The Tukan is an online platform dedicated to Polish healthcare IT community, where national specifications for interoperability are published together with a set of testing tools supporting their implementation. The platform is based on software components originating from various sources: open source release of IHE Gazelle components, development tooling of Polish National Implementation Guide of HL7 CDA, ART-DECOR platform software components, HAPI FHIR reference implementation for FHIR STU3 standard and Central Authentication Server (CAS) software components. Tukan platform is ready to be used as an environment supporting peer-to-peer testing in connectathon-like events. The pilot phase of Tukan platform has shown that there is a significant interest in testing services, especially when there are official specifications of interoperability standards published. In 2018 the first Polish connectathon will be held by HL7 Poland on Tukan platform in cooperation with national and regional projects.
