journal of biomedical informatics
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Bioinformatics approaches in plant

Author(s): Goril Gloudy

Bioinformatics is a new science that combines the power of computers, mathematical sets of computer instructions, and statistics with ideas in the life sciences to solve related to the body function of living things problems. Through bioinformatics, scientists have been able to analyse different total sets of tiny chemical assembly instructions of a living thing. Plants are the natural resource of the earth. They produce the life-supporting oxygen we breathe, they are extremely important for our nutrition and health and they provide the surrounding conditions for the huge lots of different living things all existing together on earth. Many people who work to find information try to develop modern plants in the field of plant science. Bioinformatics try to help for the analysis of whole related to the study of tiny chemical instructions within cells sequence data. This is the new advance research in plant.

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