Original Article
A Comparison of Business Rule Management Systems and Standards for the Implementation of Clinical Decision Support Systems Using Data from Structured CDA Documents
Peter Seifter*, Stefan Sabutsch and Jeroen S. De Bruin
Background: Recently, the Austrian Patient Summary (APS) and Austrian Microbiology Report (AMR) document definitions were added to the Austrian national electronic health record repository. How to employ these standardized, structured patient data in clinical decision support (CDS) systems remains an interesting research subject.
Objectives: To create a proof of concept for the emergency use of APS and AMR documents in a variety of CDS platforms and standards in an intensive care setting, in order to generate new insights by linking individual documents to different CDS approaches.
Methods: APS and AMR definitions were stored using MongoDB, a document-oriented database system. For implementation of the clinical use case CDS, we selec.. Read More»
DOI: 10.24105/ejbi.2018.14.3.4