journal of biomedical informatics
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Design of an Innovative Double Degree Graduate Program in Health Informatics and Nursing: Bridging Nursing and Health Informatics Competencies

Author(s): Elizabeth Borycki, Noreen Frisch, Marjorie McIntyre, Andre Kushniruk

This article describes a novel double-degree Master’s program in Nursing and Health Informatics. The program was designed to prepare nurses with graduate level competencies in both nursing and health informatics. Such competencies are essential for professionals working in the rapidly expanding fields of nursing and health informatics. There is an immediate and longer-term need for clinical professionals with such expertise in Canada. Furthermore, a program was needed to provide graduate level credentialing in nursing and health informatics so graduate students could develop needed workplace competencies at the intersection of nursing and health informatics in the international move towards electronic health records. The double-degree program described in this paper is the first of its kind. The design, underlying rationale, and initial experiences with the program are described in detail in this paper.
